
As a principal of an elementary school and as a mother of two children I am continuously impressed and inspired by the work my own children are doing at the Scholars Academy. Both of my children have greatly benefited from the intensive instructional support and personal motivation provided so lovingly…read more

At the Scholars’ Academy, students will acquire the
skills needed to achieve academic success.

  • Programs include Reading and Writing Workshops for K-8 students
  • Scholars will be assessed to determine individual learning needs
  • 8 week units: Dynamic standards based lessons to help develop life-long learners
  • All sessions taught by experienced, credentialed teachers with Masters Degrees
  • On-going assessments to guide instruction
  • Teachers trained in federal mandate reading program, RTI (Response to Intervention)
  • Teachers trained in Six Traits of Writing Program
  • Ongoing communication with parents as needed
  • Supportive of Reading Counts/ Accelerated Reader program
  • Provide enrichment homework (optional)
  • Small group / one-on-one instruction
  • 1 or 2 hour session per week

Scholars’ Academy Virtual program has two components to ensure your child’s academic success.


Click here for full details.